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Remedial Massage 

Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage

What is Remedial Massage?


Remedial massage is the systematic assessment and treatment of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues of the body to assist in rehabilitation, pain and injury management.


Remedial massage stimulates the circulatory system, encouraging blood flow to the injured or tight tissue. As the circulatory system works in close proximity to the lymphatic system, the massage will improve lymphatic flow and promote reduced pain and swelling.


Remedial massage has a direct impact on the muscular system, stretching tight muscles, relaxing and releasing overused muscles, reducing spasms and muscular cramping, as well as assisting in tissue regeneration.


Remedial massage can promote a decrease in cortisol, which is produced when we experience pain and stress. Massage also promotes an increased level of serotonin and dopamine, which improves your mood, promotes relaxation, and assists in relieving pain. Positive follow on effects are a reduction in anxiety, and enhanced sleep, concentration and energy levels.


Remedial massage holistically treats the whole body and traces the discomfort as far as possible back to the original cause, healing both the cause of the disorder as well as the symptoms, and provides an effective healing treatment.


Remedial Massage is effective in treating a wide range of conditions and ailments, such as, but not limited to:


Neck pain, Back pain, Tension headache, Jaw pain, Frozen shoulder, Arthritis, Sciatica, Tennis elbow, Plantar fasciitis and Stress 

Dry Needling

What is Dry Needling?


Dry needling is an effective and efficient technique for the treatment of muscular pain and myofascial dysfunction. Dry needling, or intramuscular stimulation (IMS), is extremely  effective for relaxing trigger points in overactive muscles. . 


Dry  needling involves inserting a fine filiament needle into a muscle's trigger points without injecting any substance.


The aim of Dry Needling is to achieve a local twitch response to release muscle tension and pain. Dry needling is an effective treatment for chronic pain of neuropathic origin with very few side effects.


The  approach is based on Western anatomical and neurophysiological principles and should not to be confused with the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) technique of acupuncture. However, since the same filament needles are used in both dry needling and acupuncture, the confusion is understandable .



Is Dry Needling Effective ?


Today dry needling is being used effectively and extensively for the treatment of Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction.


Myofascial Dry Needling (MDN) is a relatively new and exciting form of treatment available to aid dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system. During this therapy, super-fine filament needles (similar to those used in acupuncture), are inserted into the skin to directly affect the myofascia (muscles and fascia) and alter the dysfunction that has developed. For example, dry needling is commonly used to deactivate hyperirritable areas in skeletal muscle known as trigger points or ‘knots’. Dry needling can help to restore healthy function to the effected tissues, helping you to feel better, sooner.


What is cupping?


Cupping is a gentle and effective technique that aims to restore function, movement and flexibility to the soft tissue that connects the body’s muscles, cartilage, ligaments and tendons.


Derived from traditional Chinese medicine, cupping uses either heat or suction to create a vacuum effect in a glass or plastic cup, which is placed on the skin. The vacuum acts to gently lift the skin and underlying tissues, to break up cross linkages between the tissue layers that limit our flexibility. Cupping also promotes the hydration of these tissues to help prevent further cross linkages from forming.


It is not uncommon for clients to occasionally have residual marks similar to bruising from cupping, on the surface of their skin. These are usually painless and will clear within two to seven days. Cupping is a highly effective technique which you will find very gentle and highly enjoyable. Cupping is known to help activate the lymphatic system, promote blood circulation, and is extremely useful for deep tissue repair.

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Dry Needling

Dry Needling 

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